Tax practice support

For more than 20 years we have provided practice support for over 50 professional firms across the UK, giving high quality tax advice as and when it is needed at a reasonable price.

Ranging from a quick phone call to instructing us to assist on a complex corporate re-structuring, we will be your tax partner and work with you to provide a seamless service to your clients.

Why partner with us?

  • We know everyone we work with well. We want to develop excellent working relationships with you and will come out to meet you, prior to taking on our first assignment, so that we understand your practice and you understand ours
  • We are flexible on how our advice is  provided. On some occasions it is more appropriate to provide the advice to your firm, on  others you may prefer us to engage directly with the end client. It is entirely up to you
  • The scope of our advice and our fees are always agreed in advance so you know where you stand
  • We can improve client retention. As long as your clients are receiving the advice they require at the right price then they are less likely to look elsewhere
  • We can reduce risk. We can engage directly with your client if required, meaning we are providing the advice and shoulder any associated risk, not you


Group Tax

Let Bates Weston’s tax team enhance your tax service. High level tax advice, as and when you need it.

Common areas of advice

We are regularly engaged on a host of different areas. They commonly include:

  • corporate restructuring
  • share disposal transactions
  • share schemes
  • employee incentivisation
  • Family Investment Companies and Personal
  • Investment Companies
  • settling HMRC disputes on historic tax schemes
  • claiming R&D tax credits

If you would like to talk to us about working together, please do call us on 01332 365855 and ask to speak with any member of our tax team: Craig Simpson, Richard Coombs, Liz Pepper, Beth Noy or you can send them an email.


Bates Weston Tax LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership. Registered in England and Wales. OC402712. Registered office: The Mills, Canal Street, Derby DE1 2RJ.


Get in touch with our tax team to support high level tax planning in your practice.