EOT Share Valuation

EOT Share Valuation

The tax costs of overvaluation are significant should HMRC consider the transaction overvalued. Getting an independent valuation early in the EOT thought process is important.

Disqualifying an EOT

Disqualifying an EOT

Craig Simpson, Tax Partner at Bates Weston looks at the events which can disqualify an EOT and at who becomes responsible for the tax payable.

The Dos and Don’ts of Demergers

The Dos and Don’ts of Demergers

Understanding the dos and don’ts of demergers is vital. Demergers are complicated in terms of tax technical input, but done correctly the tax savings should significantly outweigh the costs.

HMRC clearance

HMRC clearance

Craig Simpson, Tax partner at Bates Weston explains how HMRC clearances work, and when and why you might need them.

Delving into Demergers

Delving into Demergers

Richard Coombs, tax partner at Bates Weston, uncovers the problems demergers are designed to fix. He explains how problems arise and why trying to resolve them using anything other than a demerger can often lead to significant tax charges.

Merger, Demerger and Reorganisation

Merger, Demerger and Reorganisation

In the third in our series of company tax planning articles, Cassandra Graham, Senior Tax Manager at Bates Weston looks at the use of merger, demerger and reorganisation as a tax planning tool.