Wills & probate services

It is a difficult topic. Don’t put it off. Let us help you sort it.

If we’ve been your accountants and advisors, no one will be better placed to understand the complexities of your financial life than we are.

We can write your will, guide you on passing on your wealth tax effectively, and ensure that your wishes are carried out. And if you’re not a client, we can still help.

Safeguarding and passing on your wealth using tax effective Inheritance Tax Planning, Trusts & Estates planning has long been part of our service, but we are also one of the few accountancy firms licenced by the ICAEW to carry out probate work. So we can not only write Wills and administer estates, we can also apply for Probate. Importantly, we can continue to support our clients and their families through the most difficult of times.

We like to be clear about the services we offer and the prices we charge. See our service guidelines and prices here for probate, will writing and lasting power of attorney services.

Inheritance tax, Trusts & Estate planning

Understanding how IHT will affect you and how you can pass on your wealth tax effectively.


Make sure your money and possessions are distributed according to your wishes.

Probate Services

Guiding you through probate quickly and easily, and supporting your role as executor.

ICAEW Accredited for Probate

Bates Weston is the trading name of Bates Weston Probate LLP, a Limited Liability Partnership. Registered No. OC429514 England and Wales. Registered Office: The Mills,Canal Street, Derby DE1 2RJ. A full list of members can be found at the office. Bates Weston Probate LLP is licensed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry out the reserved legal activity of non-contentious probate in England and Wales. All firms accredited by the ICAEW for probate services are required to collect, report and publish diversity data about their employees. View data.


your Wills & probate services team

Kay Brookes

Licensed Probate Practitioner

Call: 01332 365855
Email me
View profile

Ian Neal

Licensed Probate Practitioner

Call: 01332 365855
Email me
View profile

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Inheritance Tax Reforms?

Bates Weston’s Tax team take a critical view of the Inheritance Tax reforms proposed by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). The suggested reforms to the current Inheritance Tax regime are proposals, not yet policy, and will be heavily lobbied against.

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