How can I accumulate and pass on my wealth?

Apr 28, 2016

Accumulating, preserving and passing on family wealth

There are several tax efficient options families can adopt to help them to accumulate, preserve and pass on their wealth. As ever, we would begin by ensuring that we have a clear understanding of your personal situation and the goals you are seeking to achieve. The following are examples of frequently used vehicles.

Family Investment Company Inheritance Tax Planning

A family investment company may be a suitable arrangement for individuals who hold assets (cash or investments) in excess of £1m which is currently exposed to 40% IHT.

Forming a family investment company can provide a platform from which to make IHT efficient gifts but retain control of the investment strategy of the company and provide protection for family wealth through the generations.

Personal Investment Company

A Personal Investment Company can be a viable alternative to holding investments personally. The reduction in corporate tax rates compared to higher rates of income tax and capital gains tax mean that a company structure should be considered for investment accumulation and family wealth preservation.

Due to the lower rates of Corporation tax, investment income and gains can be reinvested which can lead to faster investment accumulation compared to owning assets personally where personal tax and capital gains tax rates can be considerably higher.

If you would like to discuss your own circumstances with us, please do call Craig Simpson or Richard Coombs on 01332 365855 or email  or

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