Payroll Guidance

Payroll Guidance

An update on the latest payroll guidance, including Employment Allowance, the King’s Coronation, Holiday Pay, National Minimum Wage and statutory rate changes.

Temporary changes to fit notes

Temporary changes to fit notes

For Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), where employees go off sick on or after 10 December 2021, employers can only ask employees for proof of sickness (such as a fit note) after 28 days of sickness (including non-working days) instead of the usual 7 days.

Recover COVID-19 Statutory Sick Pay

Recover COVID-19 Statutory Sick Pay

Recover the costs of paying COVID-19 Statutory Sick Pay using HMRC’s online service. The service allows employers with less than 250 staff to apply to recover the costs of paying coronavirus -related Statutory Sick Pay for two weeks. The rebate is worth almost £200 per employee.