Plastic Packaging Tax consultation published

Plastic Packaging Tax consultation published

If you are in the packaging industry, are a pack filler, brand owner or retailer, you may be interested in the summary of responses to the “Plastic Packaging Tax” consultation, published this month.

Myth busting on Making Tax Digital

Myth busting on Making Tax Digital

HMRC has decided to dispel some of the myths it believes surround Making Tax Digital for VAT. Among the myths they are challenging is that businesses don’t know MTD is happening or what to do. They maintain that more than 80% of businesses had already started to...

SDLT Payment Pressures

As of 31 March 2019, SDLT is now due for payment 14 days after the completion of the transaction. Given the cashflow pressures of this it will be more important than ever to get the SDLT liability right and take advantage of any reliefs available. Multiple Dwellings...

Claiming Entrepreneurs’ Relief on dilution

Cassandra Graham, Tax manager at Bates Weston, explains the elections you can make to protect your Entrepreneurs’ Relief on dilution of your shareholding. As ever, this article is general in nature and you should take no action based upon it without first...

What now for the Loan Charge?

Richard Coombs, Tax Partner at Bates Weston, looks at the outcry against the retrospective nature of the loan charge, effective from the beginning of April 2019. You would be forgiven for thinking that now that April has passed then the loan charge is now a done deal...