MTD – What is a digital link?

What is a digital link and how not to break it! So, we’ve heard lots about Making Tax Digital for VAT, and we know that if our business’s taxable turnover is over £85,000, we have to keep our business records in digital form and file our VAT returns using functional...

Autumn Newsletter 2018

In this edition of our newsletter Richard Coombs, Tax Partner reminds us that it is not too late to secure a settlement deal with HMRC if you have been involved in an Employee Benefit Trust or contractor loan, but you really must act now, before the loan charge comes...

Share incentives

Historically most of the tax advantages from share incentives were targeted at larger companies. The exception, designed for smaller companies, was the EMI (Enterprise Management Incentive) scheme. The usefulness of EMI was drastically reduced in 2008 with the...

Exit planning

There are several common exit routes for a typical owner managed company. Either the business is passed on to children, sold on to a third party or sold out to its management team or other existing shareholders. Impending retirement often focusses attention on exit...